The credibility line

There’s an invisible line in the PR world that I want to highlight for you today.

In an age where the attention of the people you are trying to reach is constantly bombarded with requests, you have to be smart about getting your message through.

And that’s where this mysterious “line” comes into play.

It’s something I call the “Credibility Line.”

If you go over it, you lose.

If you go nowhere near it, you lose.

If you don’t even know it exists, you lose.

So while this is a line that should never be crossed, it’s also a line that should never be feared.

In fact, my recommendation is to learn how to walk right up to this line and then walk on tip-toes right along it.

When it comes to PR writing, you have to know how to avoid hyping what you have while still making sure the quality and relevance of what you have gets communicated in a powerful way.

“Writing credibly” is how I define this practice.

When you do it right, you get noticed and your writing creates impact.

When you do it wrong, you either get ignored, or worse, you have journalists thinking you’re “out of touch” or a hyped-up “charlatan.”

Your writing can’t sound like an advertisement but it also can’t put people to sleep. It’s got to be targeted so that it gets results.

Now you can leave this up to chance, but that usually means you’ll completely miss opportunities for big wins.

It’s best to develop the insight and skill required to walk this “Credibility Line” like a pro. This IS what pros do. They LIVE on this line.

I’ve worked on this skill for over ten years. And everything I know about how to do it successfully, you’ll find in The Definitive Guide to PR Writing course I released last week.

Developing the mastery required to walk the Credibility Line is completely within your reach.

And for the PR pro, there is NO other skill that can impact every area of your work like upgrading your ability to use the written word can.

How do you know if your PR writing needs an upgrade?

Just look at the results you are getting now. If those results are enough to please you, your boss or clients and keep your career on an upward trajectory, maybe your writing is fine.

But as you’ll see on this page, PR pros are often the LAST to know when their writing needs some help.

This article was originally published on November 9, 2017

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