Media Pitching Ideas & Examples

October 2, 2024

Trade-offs PR pros must accept about work-life balance

I’m developing a theory: Satisfaction with your work situation depends on alignment with your individual goals – not on how many hours you work.

September 25, 2024

One investment that improves every pitch

How an Inner Circle member strategized a repeatable approach to exponentially increase broadcast media impressions and boost business results.

September 19, 2024

Save time and hassle with a simple delegation strategy that surprised me

I recently stumbled into a useful approach to delegation that applies even if you manage zero people. Here are two takeaways you can apply to your work.

September 11, 2024

“It’s a good pitch, just not for me” –Bloomberg writer

Here is a key takeaway we learned as a Bloomberg writer reacted to 12 actual PR pitches from my Inner Circle members.

September 5, 2024

Missed any? My most-talked-about summer reads

My top articles of the summer, and the two favorite newsletters I read myself.

August 29, 2024

PR Myth: Vacation days are for slackers

You’re a more effective PR pro after you make a clean break to recharge and refresh.

August 22, 2024

PR is way too hard if you hate it

If you really don’t like your job, if PR is drudgery for you and you don’t see that changing, why are you hanging on?

August 13, 2024

How my take on AI in PR has evolved: listen in

This short episode of the Stories & Strategies podcast is a great summary of my current take on the topic.

August 7, 2024

Sequel: more reasons PR pros “did not respond to a request for comment”

Many readers responded to share more cases where they find it prudent to not respond to a journalist’s request.

July 31, 2024

Watching Olympics during work? You’re underemployed

If your current role is so unengaging that you’re seeking outside inspiration during the work day, find new projects or responsibilities that stimulate you intellectually and build your capacity.

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