Your boss’s key metrics?

Right now, can you confidently state your boss’s three most important metrics when it comes to PR and communications?

If your answer is yes, congratulations. You are a rarity, based on my experience.

Muck Rack just released their first State of Marketing and PR Leadership report. The most revealing findings to me are the slides reporting what comms leaders said are their most important metrics.

It’s not about which metrics came in first, second and third across the sample. What’s most important are your answers to these questions:

  • Are all comms team members aligned with their boss on which metrics are the top three?
  • Is the comms leader aligned with the executive team on which metrics are the top three?

What are your answers to those questions? If either is no, this is a great time of year to initiate a conversation to get aligned.

The survey breaks out different rankings for marketing metrics and comms metrics. But it also highlights that 68 percent of leaders surveyed described their role as a mix of marketing and comms.

If your VP dutifully accepts your monthly reports of the number of stories placed and the reach of those stories, but what she’s really concerned about when her eyes flutter open every morning is lead generation . . . eventually that won’t work out well for either of you.

One piece of good news is that more than 70 percent of the leaders – whether they focused on marketing, comms, or both – agreed their top priority is “broaden reach and share of voice.” Definitely something that we as PR pros can achieve.

Grab the free report and understand your bosses or clients better.

This article was originally published on December 7, 2023

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