PR pros like you are worth their weight in milk

I stopped to pick up milk this week and did a double take at the price. I checked to make sure it wasn’t fancy organic milk where the cows are fed grass and wear homemade sweaters. Nope. Regular milk – just a lot more expensive.

Inflation is no surprise at this point. But the frustrating part for most people is having to pay more for something without seeing any additional value.

PR pros like us have been helping media, executives, and even our families see the value of PR since we started in this biz. And the best way to do this is to make sure you understand your value as a PR professional.

You are a valuable resource for your media contacts

We often think of the media as having the upper hand in the PR-media relationship. After all, they’re the ones who decide which stories get shared through their platform. But it’s PR pros like you who have the information, experts, and resources that make the story worth sharing. If you are doing your homework, what you are offering is relevant and of interest to their audience. You are not a salesperson or a pest. You are a valuable asset who helps them do their jobs better.

If you don’t see yourself as an asset, look at your media list and make sure your audiences align. Then offer them something they want. If you don’t have something they want, get something. This can mean mining your organization for stories, or applying creativity to the stories you already have so they’re a better fit. Understanding the simple truth that you provide value to your media contacts can change the whole tone of your media pitches, which often leads to more success.

You add value to your organization

One of the reasons for the increased prices we’re seeing is scarcity. Earned media is still one of the best ways to generate awareness, gain credibility, and drive results. And it is getting more and more difficult to find professionals who are skilled at media relations. You are valuable simply because you do media relations well. You are a scarce resource, especially as you gain more experience.

Identify the value you bring to bosses and clients beyond media placements. Essentially, they’re paying you so they do not have to worry about PR. How much is that worth to a CMO? What percentage of the marketing budget is that worth?

Lastly, don’t forget what your career value really means to you. Mastery in your career means earning the autonomy and flexibility to pursue your passions. This kind of independence frees you to deliver your best energy to the things and people who matter most in your life.

For me, that’s spending time with my family and my volunteer work. And trying to convince my kids that cereal tastes just as good with water. 😉

This article was originally published on July 20, 2022

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