The surprising trait that made this PR pro exceptional

What makes a PR pro truly exceptional? I recently heard an answer I’d never expected.

A few weeks ago, I attended a small breakfast with Gary Crittenden, former CFO of American Express.

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When he found out what I do, Gary said Tom Schick was a great PR executive at AmEx. I asked my favorite question: “What made him stand out from other PR pros you’ve worked with?”

Gary’s simple reply threw me off: “He was apolitical.”

Gary explained that their CEO at the time had a rule: If you wanted to talk to him about another executive, that person needed to be present.

“Tom represented the best of our CEO,” Gary explained. He never curried favor with individual execs – he was always focused on what was best for the company, as directed by the CEO. The key result?

“People trusted Tom.”

Gary stressed how critical it is for people in our role to “make sure you get the actual facts.” Because leadership trusted Tom, they leveled with him about problems, and didn’t oversell good news. That allowed his team to represent them and the company the best way possible.

Here’s what stuck with me:

Align with top leadership and treat everyone the same. Over time, they’ll come to trust and respect you.

And 20 years later when they’re asked to name a great PR pro, your name will be the first they mention.

This article was originally published on December 12, 2024

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