Regardless of how things turn out, the polls were wrong – again. Here’s what we can learn from “Survey Fail: The Sequel.”
The Muck Rack Blog gathers them, I break them down.
Everyone’s PR careers are permanently altered, but many of them don’t even know it.
Some pros are having their best years ever in 2020. I’ve gathered the lessons they’re applying and put them together into an action-rich, fast-paced webinar.
Reading the worst PR advice you’ve ever been given was both hilarious and disturbing. It also reminded me of an experience I had that comes with an important lesson.
The autobiography of Disney’s CEO contains the most valuable lesson any PR person can ever learn about working with executives.
Each month I function as your “journalist interpreter,” highlighting the helpful feedback and pointing out when one person’s strongly held views may not represent all journalists.
With 37% of the population listening to podcasts, PR pros can’t ignore this channel. Learn how to reach and build a deeper connection with your target audience.
I recently finished a project where I read and categorized all 560 tweets from journalists about PR pitches over the past three years.
Most advice we get is trying to be helpful. The problem is it comes from people who don’t truly understand today’s media landscape.