Is Michael Smart psychic?

Today I’d like to wow you with my ability to predict the future. Not everyone’s future, mind you, just the future of someone like you :).

It only takes me about 10 minutes and I can do this with just about any PR pro.

First, I ask some questions about your experience, some questions about your approach to PR and then I ask you some questions about what I call the PR Power Pyramid™.

The PR Power Pyramid refers to the size and breadth of your network of VIP Influencers.

You can think of that PR Power Pyramid as a bit of a leading indicator of future success. The smaller the pyramid is, the smaller the success. The larger it is, the larger the success.

From my perspective, media relations means using any and all appropriate media (blogs, YouTube, newspapers, magazines, some guy’s Instagram feed, ANY media that’s effective) to connect a message with a specific group of people.

And while the mainstream media business is going through a decline, the amount of effective media is actually exploding. But that means instead of having a few “gatekeepers” to work through like those at the WSJ, NYT or USAT, now there are thousands, and tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of people who are able to deliver YOUR message to a group of people.

Your interactions with this “media world” must be strategic if you have a chance at generating superior results.

And that’s where the PR Power Pyramid™ comes into the picture.

This is one of the most valuable assets you have in the world of PR.

How do you build one?

The simple answer is to download the 4 Pillars of a Media Relations Master booklet, open to page 13 and start reading.

Why does this matter?

Because building a PR Power Pyramid™ is a bit like the yellow brick road that led Dorothy to the Land of Oz.

Except that’s not where we’re headed. We’re headed to a different world… a world where certain PR pros have figured out how to get placements WITHOUT pitching.

If that sounds like a cool place to you, get the 4 Pillars booklet and read about how to put the PR Power Pyramid™ to work for you.

This article was originally published on March 11, 2016

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