One investment that improves every pitch

An ingenious angle . . . a catchy subject line . . . the perfect structure. Yes, these improve your chances with a single pitch.

But you’ll get a much bigger return when you strategize a repeatable approach that improves every pitch.

That’s what Thomas Nitzsche did in 2020, and his organization’s broadcast media impressions went from 3.6 million that year to 58 million last year. And he’s on pace for 173 million this year! (He’s got even better analytics I’ll share shortly.)

Before 2020, Thomas had the hardest time finding “real people” who would agree to be part of his pitches and talk to a reporter. He works for a nonprofit in the credit counseling space, and who wants to admit to all their neighbors they got buried in $50K of credit card debt?!

But instead of complaining or ignoring the obstacle, Thomas created a program to recruit as many people as possible. Despite a 4% response rate, he stuck with it and built a pool of regulars in major markets to include in every pitch.

Placements soared. Even better, Thomas worked with his analytics folks to show that those stories boosted new client registrations 200-300% over similar markets without coverage.

He then developed another reusable asset to strengthen every pitch: proprietary data.

Last month, Thomas joined me to share with his fellow Inner Circle members all the strategies and tactics he used to boost his employer’s results and secure a big raise:

  • How he recruits candidates for the “real people” program and keeps them engaged
  • The details of the metrics he developed to prove his impact
  • How he links specific media placements to business results
  • The details of the “data” strategy that’s now consistently landing national coverage

You can access all that – and every other training I’ve ever given the Inner Circle – if you decide to join when we next open to new members. Register on our Wait List so you’ll be the first to know when we open.

This article was originally published on September 25, 2024

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