I rolled my eyes when I saw the tagline. Then I remembered my similar reaction to a company’s buzzword-laden branding about 10 years ago.
Your ultimate goal is to achieve more independence and fulfillment in your career. And to succeed at that, you must go way beyond taking orders.
In case you missed them, here are my best messages from the year just ended.
It’s a holiday tradition around here to step back and consider broader themes of a fulfilling life.
Align with top leadership and treat everyone the same. Over time, they’ll come to trust and respect you.
This season, if you haven’t found your cause yet, I’d like to invite you to join me in giving back.
Avoiding media relations because you “don’t have anything new” is just a PR mind virus that you can kill and enjoy more coverage and more opportunities yourself.
Since the election, I’ve caught myself distracted by the news instead of focusing on key tasks. And I discovered something that has helped.
PR people seem to avoid negotiating. Instead, treat any offer or request as the opening remark in what will be a longer and fruitful conversation.
In today’s permanently fragmented media landscape, your responsibility ISN’T to bring your exec interview opportunities that reach far and wide. Instead, drill down into niche audiences key to your strategic objectives.