Media Pitching Ideas & Examples, Page 47

March 26, 2015

How one short media pitch spiked a client’s web traffic

Here’s how this PR professional secured an influential article, tons of page views and even potential investment opportunities for her client.

March 19, 2015

When you’re discouraged because everyone else seems to be succeeding where you’re not, remember this

This most-tweeted quote from my recent media pitching webinar could give you the attitude boost you need to press forward and visualize success.

March 5, 2015

To pitch or not to pitch the New York Times: Strategically choosing your media targets

Your client or boss keeps begging you to land the New York Times. But when you take a step back, is that really your best media target?

February 18, 2015

5 Ways to React to Journalists on Twitter Beyond a Compliment

Engaging journalists on Twitter is one of a few good PR tips for standing out from the masses clamoring for their attention. Once they recognize your name, it’s more likely they’ll open your email when you send them a story idea. You can set up a Twitter list of key influencers to follow. Services like […]

November 2, 2014

New ways to help reporters out

We’ve known for a couple years now how useful it can be to do reporters’ legwork for them. Journalists want to have multiple sources and proof points in their pieces. But they are being pulled in so many different directions they often don’t the time to gather them. But you may not have realized the […]

October 20, 2014

Refreshingly candid top-tier reporter and her empowering word choice

This month at the PRSA International Conference I witnessed a refreshingly honest admission from a top-tier reporter who is obviously secure in herself as a successful journalist. Hadley Malcolm, personal finance writer at USA Today, was asked whether she preferred to reach out to executives directly or go through a PR person. The typical journalist response […]

September 20, 2014

Creative pop culture link wins big coverage

All the TV season premieres last week reminded me of an awesome pitch I saw over the summer. You’ll learn from its creativity, customization, and brevity. Matthew McWilliams was brainstorming ways to get the small university he represents some buzz. He thought about one of the history profs at his school who studies medieval Europe, […]

August 8, 2014

Surprising approach to pitching the New York Times

This summer I presented at a conference where New York Times reporter Richard Perez Pena was kind enough to sit for a panel about how PR people should work with him. One of the things he said was dumbfounding. I had looked at his recent work – much of it was, frankly, the kind of […]

July 3, 2014

4 ways to cut your email pitch in half

Time-starved journalists and bloggers are always demanding that we get to the point and send ever shorter emails. My recommended standard limit for a cold email pitch is 150 words. Here are some simple, immediately applicable steps to cut your word count. 1. Delete your first sentence. If you’re like almost every PR pro who […]

June 7, 2014

4 ways to place more TV stories

My recent experiences with national and regional TV journalists shows how their business has changed and how we should respond. “Nobody has any money,” said a network producer I spoke to. She was referring to the different newscasts on her network, which each have to pay for the cost of sending a crew to shoot […]

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