Where great pitches are born

So today we might get just a wee bit controversial. But it’s for a reason. Two reasons, actually.

The first reason is to make you think—to make you think differently than the average PR pro thinks.

The second reason is to help you see things (like opportunities) that others miss. So stick with me here as I walk through this with you.

Let’s start with a question:

Where are great pitches born?

In other words, where do the seeds of a great pitch actually get planted?

There are a lot of answers you’ll get from PR pros if you ask a question like that. Most of them will center around the info you get from a client or some internal source.

If “they” don’t give you good stuff, how can you be expected to craft a great pitch? Right?


This is the mindset of what I call a “PR pro victim.”

“They didn’t give me the information I needed to craft a great pitch. That’s the reason it didn’t work.”

If you’re committed to becoming a Media Relations Master, I’d recommend you leave PR victimhood to someone else. It’s not going to help you. In fact, it’s going to actually KEEP you from the big results that are well within your potential.

So where do the seeds of a great pitch get planted?

It starts with you. You are responsible for getting the information you need to craft a great pitch.

If you’re not getting good info, then the task at hand is to UPGRADE your ability to get good information. This is a skill that’s no less valuable than writing a great cold pitch email. It’s probably even MORE important.

And when you accept this responsibility as your own, that leads you to the next very powerful question:

How do I go about getting the information I need to craft a perfect pitch?

This is the right question to be asking. Now I have my answer for this. In fact, I have my own process for getting better raw materials from sources and for earning autonomy to use creative angles beyond the info I’m given.

I’ve created an entire online pitching course called, Crafting the Perfect Pitch: A Playbook For Earning Positive Coverage.

This course is SYSTEMATIC, SEQUENTIAL and COMPREHENSIVE. You get the whole story of how to craft great pitches from beginning to end. That means from the “getting of the information” for the pitch part, all the way through communicating the results of that placement in the WSJ, for example, so that it leads to raises, promotions and big career opportunities for you.

You can get all the details here – take a look now, because the steep introductory discount goes away on Oct. 7.


This article was originally published on September 22, 2016

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