What if you had a big pitch coming up and you wanted to get some expert feedback on it? Where would you turn?
In the past couple weeks, Kate Whiteley and Ginny Walker landed positive feature stories in USA Today and the LA Times, respectively.
Before they sent off their pitches, they showed them to me as part of their membership in my Smart PR Inner Circle. Even by the time I saw their work, the pitches were already excellent. Kate and Ginny have been internalizing the training and mindset shifts we cover inside the monthly program.
I gave them some additional recommendations that they implemented, but the real credit goes to them for thinking big and doing the work to put themselves in the position to succeed. Now they have these major placements to point to when their bosses want them to justify their work.
A while back, Kate and Ginny would read posts like this one. Then they took action and joined the Inner Circle during one of our limited enrollment periods – we only take new members twice a year.
I can’t know if the Inner Circle is right for you, but you can. You’ll need to be ready to take action, because it sells out fast (usually on the first day). Every time after we close the doors, I get emails from people asking if we’ll let them in late, and the answer is always no.
Register for your free Preview Pass here and do your research.
This article was originally published on April 21, 2016
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