Progress toward YOUR Independence Day

This time last year I told you about my coaching client Ken Li’s own declaration of independence.

He moved from Chicago to the little farm in Indiana his wife had been dreaming about and announced to his coworkers that he would only be in the office on Tuesdays. It’s my most popular article of all time.

Here we are a year later and it’s still working great for Ken AND the agency where he works. Now Ken exercises and helps around the house and yard during part of the two hours per day he no longer spends commuting. And his agency bosses know he delivers great results and are happy to retain him with this arrangement.

Have you moved closer to YOUR Independence Day? I’d love to hear about it.

I’m not talking about the entrepreneurial cliché of you risking everything to start your own business. (If that’s you, more power to you, I’m just saying that’s not the only way to independence).

Here’s the usual process:

You first begin to achieve independence in HOW you work. Bosses stop telling you the steps you need to take – all they care about is pointing you in the right direction and letting you take it from there.

Then you earn autonomy in WHEN you work. You start coming in late in the summer because you like to go running in the mornings before it gets hot. Or you might start leaving early to volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about. Bosses don’t care because they know the results keep coming.

And then you achieve independence in WHERE you work. You move to that city where you’ve always wanted to live, or spend six months overseas, and bosses agree because the work gets done anyway.

What’s the one ingredient that makes this all possible? A consistent track record of results.

When you prove that you can achieve things others can’t, you earn freedoms others don’t get. If you’re not there yet, keep building that track record.

My biggest motivation in my business is helping you find the balance and peace that Ken has. It just so happens that my experience and knowledge relates to PR. So that’s the subject matter I use to help you get there.

Here are the resources I offer to help you write your own declaration of independence:

1. My free weekly emails – read them each week. Sign up in the box at the bottom of

2. The 4 Pillars of Media Relations Mastersthis free report lays the foundation on which these emails build. Read the entire (lengthy) document. So someday you can spend more time reading whatever             you want.

3. The Smart PR Inner Circle – this coaching group gets you the next level of access to the techniques and mindset adjustment you need. We’re full now. Get more info now and register for updates when we open up next.

I’d love to be writing about YOU next Independence Day.

This article was originally published on July 8, 2016

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