The success loop

This week I spoke at the PRSA International Conference for the twelfth time (I started when I was 15 ;).

Apparently, I weirded out some of the regulars, who are used to me talking solely about tactical ways to get more pitches to land.

But I also talked about how to use those results to boost your career.

Getting the placements is just the beginning. And that’s certainly a skill to develop and refine over time. You can do better than most if that’s the only thing you ever master.

But you can take things to an entirely new level if you master the SECOND part of the success equation. That part is the quantification and the communication of the value your placements create.

I mentioned this a few weeks ago in relation to my Pitching Course I launched. But today, I want to zoom in on a very specific part of this. (If you’re completely ignoring this part of your PR universe, consider this a gentle reminder. It’s a BIG opportunity.)

Here’s the reality of the situation:

Most everyone you are surrounded by at your job or in your client work really has no concept of what it means to be a PR pro. They just don’t get it. To be blunt, they probably never will.

They don’t get what you do. They don’t get what goes into it. And they certainly haven’t thought through exactly what they get because of what you do.

So that leaves you with a choice:

You can either complain about this reality or you can turn it into an opportunity.


By completing what I call the “success loop.”

The first part of the loop is getting the placement. The second part of the loop is making sure the true value of that placement is perceived by the people that matter.

When you get both parts right, it creates this “loop” where more and better results come more often, with less effort.

With all of the skills you need to become what I call a Media Relations Master, you have a choice about the speed at which you develop them.

The more quickly you do it, the more benefit you will reap.

This might sound obvious. But have you given this conscious and deliberate thought?

How successful do you want to be? How quickly do you want to achieve that success?

There’s no “right” answer, there’s only a right answer for you.

One more thing…

The next enrollment window for the Inner Circle opens in mid-November. If you’re not already on the Preview Pass, consider this your final reminder to get on it now, so you get the information you need before enrollment opens.

The Inner Circle is designed for PR pros who want bigger results, faster.

Imagine if you went to a PRSA conference every single month, PLUS even more…

That’s kind of what it’s like to be on the inside of the Inner Circle.

This article was originally published on October 27, 2016

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