This post is an open letter to a junior PR pro in L.A. My message to her applies to you, too, because Ashley is all of us.
As I said goodbye to my 14-year-old son for the day, I noticed something startling on the TV screen.
Whether you’re still swamped with COVID-19 crisis comms, or you’re sitting on your hands because you have nothing to do, it’s time to start innovating.
How do you know what’s okay to pitch, and what’s insensitive? This post uses journo tweets to explain the sweet spot.
This pandemic and this economy are serious. But there are specific things you can do to preserve your earning power and make yourself in PR recession proof.
As you magnify your responsibilities related to communications around this crisis, you should do one more thing.
I reviewed about a hundred tweets from journalists about PR pitches… and I came to a somewhat surprising conclusion.
Here are the 4 quickest and most impactful ways to boost the search-worthiness of your news releases and blog posts.
Everybody knows the tired PR trick of tying a media pitch to a holiday. Use this simple formula instead.
Can someone you’ve never met or spoken with be your mentor? I say yes.