Media Pitching Ideas & Examples, Page 26

November 21, 2019

When Tom Hanks does free PR for you

The PR team at creates news without breaking the bank. Here’s what you can learn from their playbook.

November 7, 2019

When Jim proposed to Pam

Do you remember what you were doing in 2009?

October 31, 2019

I was surprised I haven’t been doing this

While I’ve been so focused on being efficient and effective going forward, I’ve neglected this important activity.

October 23, 2019

Encouraging signs for our profession

My upcoming webinar will deliver a grand blueprint for what successful PR will look like going forward.

October 16, 2019

I voted for the chunky one

I recently discovered that Fat Bear Week is a thing. Beyond the fun of bear-gazing, I gained some valuable insight into the evolving standards of newsworthiness.

October 10, 2019

The REAL best way to get your email pitches opened

It’s NOT the subject line.

October 3, 2019

Can PR really lead to fulfillment?

I sat down with a former PR pro who just turned 40 and is about to pay off his house. The reason he has all these options? He achieved excellence.

September 26, 2019

The journalist-friendly approach to media databases

There is one PR platform that journalists don’t hate. In fact, most seem to accept it, if not appreciate it. They even show up to have drinks on the rooftop of its HQ.

September 18, 2019

Contrarians: love them or hate them?

Many PR people initially bristle at these tactics because they seem “out of touch.” But if you can set aside your initial hesitation, you will likely see some improved results.

September 12, 2019

CNN producer’s reaction to pitches

I showed real pitches to an 18-year veteran of CNN and watched her reactions. Here’s the takeaway.

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