Hacks might get you quick coverage in the short term, but what about the long term? That’s where principles come in.
A few weeks ago I shared my interview with a 19-year-veteran of the Wall Street Journal with members of the Inner Circle. Here are a few highlights from that interview.
Join me Tuesday for a free webinar where I share the latest media relations tips and successful examples, because all of this knowledge can’t fit into a single post.
Before you send out a pitch, do you test it by delivering it in person to a real human? On one hand, this seems ridiculous. On the other hand, a practice shot seems obvious.
When people hear that I’m in media relations, they sometimes ask me if I’m worried media pitching won’t be around much longer. The answer is definitely no – media relations as a business is stronger than ever. But I AM worried that many people are doing it wrong.
Most people believe that it’s harder than ever to pitch media. I understand why they think that, but an experience I had last week crystallized how I see it differently.
I didn’t realize that my recent post about “getting out of your office” could make some great PR pros uncomfortable. No, you don’t need to be an extrovert to be a Media Relations Master. Here is my advice if you are an introvert and want to take those steps to be a MRM.
How do you react when someone places high pressure on you? Here’s how I reacted years ago when I first started teaching workshops and an attendee wanted to know if my material was worth her time.
The most important thing I do in my business is pay very close attention whenever I speak with a Media Relations Master. They come in many packages, each with his or her own personality and background. But I’ve come to notice certain things they all tend to say. They don’t always even realize that these […]
It’s an age-old discussion. Should you invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, or what? I’ve said repeatedly: Invest in yourself first. Raise the value you contribute to the world and you raise your earning power forever. I walk the walk. Last week I spent a half-day with an expert I’ve been following for 15 […]