It’s taken me 43 years, but I finally cracked the code on keeping New Year’s resolutions.
If you’re working this week, you absolutely should pitch any media you can think of. If you’re not working this week, here’s an otherwise irrelevant, fun experience I had recently for your reading pleasure during your break.
The business media and the success literature teach that dramatic success in the workplace justifies temporarily sacrificing people who should otherwise be close to you. That’s false.
Focus your energy on developing this rare and valuable skill, and the opportunities and money will follow.
Journalists have been conditioned to expect that when they open an unsolicited email from a PR rep, it will have nothing to do with what they actually cover. Here’s why this is good news for you.
I remember when I got to the point where I pretty much maxed out all the local media coverage we could get. So the natural next step was to take our stories national. But guess what my solution was?
14 years ago, I started on a journey that ultimately ended in the creation of a resource called the Media Relations Master’s Pitch Checklist.
When the outside world gets in our face with unexpected developments, it’s easier than ever to get caught up in analyzing how they’ll affect us and our careers. Don’t fall victim to that trap – do this instead.
No, I’m not providing details on how to change careers and become a prestigious Today show producer. But after working with one for my most recent Inner Circle webinar, I’ve got some new insights on how you can mentally become one to improve your pitches.
This is my 12th year speaking at the PRSA International conference, so people assume I’ll just be covering how to increase your media hits. But this year I threw the veterans for a loop when I went in a different direction.