Media Pitching Ideas & Examples, Page 40

September 1, 2016

A contrarian subject line

“Millennials don’t want to sit in the dark for two hours.” How did two co-workers come up with this subject line at my latest Pitching Boot Camp in San Diego?

August 25, 2016

“I know you pitch media . . .”

It’s the same timeless battle with your boss: quality vs. quantity. You know which is best when pitching journalists, but your boss isn’t always on the same page. Here’s a method to help accomplish both goals of customizing and increasing quantity.

August 19, 2016

One click 14 yrs ago

In today’s media-saturated environment you really have to pick and choose who you take the time to listen to, especially when it comes to career development. Here is a personal recommendation of mine of someone worthy of your time.

August 11, 2016

This takes too long . . .

When I teach media relations skills in my workshop, the straight-talkers ask: “How long will this take?” While that is an obvious question, it’s not really a helpful one.

August 4, 2016

The curse of social media

I just set up a Facebook page for Michael Smart PR. You might be thinking, “Really? That’s about eight years late.” But I have my reasons for not jumping in then and why now is the time to do so.

July 29, 2016

I was terrified to climb this mountain

Turns out climbing mountains and pitching journalists have a lot in common when it comes to your mindset. Here’s how I reached my summit and you can reach yours.

July 21, 2016

Giving pitching a bad name

PR people have given pitching a bad name. Because at its core, pitching is simply getting a solution to a problem into the hands of people with that problem. Find out how you can be heard above the noise.

July 14, 2016

CNN producer’s dream publicist

I spoke at a conference alongside a CNN producer who said she counts on great publicists in her life. I asked her to describe one of those great publicists.

July 8, 2016

Progress toward YOUR Independence Day

This time last year I told you about my coaching client Ken Li’s own declaration of independence. He moved to the country and only goes into the office once a week. Here’s how you can progress toward YOUR independence day.

June 30, 2016

Fruits of a misfired pitch

Seventeen years ago this week I made a fool of myself attempting to pitch a national journalist in person. There is only one difference between me 17 years ago and me today.

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