You’re a more effective PR pro after you make a clean break to recharge and refresh.
If you really don’t like your job, if PR is drudgery for you and you don’t see that changing, why are you hanging on?
This short episode of the Stories & Strategies podcast is a great summary of my current take on the topic.
Many readers responded to share more cases where they find it prudent to not respond to a journalist’s request.
If your current role is so unengaging that you’re seeking outside inspiration during the work day, find new projects or responsibilities that stimulate you intellectually and build your capacity.
I gotta believe the PR team inside CrowdStrike knew their CEO’s first public message after their recent massive fail wasn’t on point.
With increasing frequency, journalists don’t treat the journalism/PR dynamic as a two-way street.
Keep your strategies grounded in the realities of your market and organization size, so you can navigate the complexities of PR without getting lost in the spectacle of political communications.
Our AI success is independent of what media think matters to investors.
This article is vital because similar fragmentation exists in every media “space” online.