Media Pitching Ideas & Examples, Page 27

July 3, 2019

The PR pro’s Independence Day

Most people aren’t working for what they really want. This scourge is especially prevalent among PR pros. Are you falling victim to it?

June 26, 2019

What if I don’t care about your product?

There’s a certain distinction between pitching a “product” and pitching your “business” that makes a big difference in earning coverage.

June 20, 2019

A radical experiment for the summer

I’m trying a radical experiment this summer to improve my creativity and productivity. And it all starts with my personal reading list.

June 13, 2019

It’s weird talking about ethics

But if all of us are reserved about ethics, how can we as a profession develop ethical frameworks for our decisions?

June 6, 2019

A few of my favorite things

It may not be as whimsical as raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but I do have a list of my favorite things I’d like to share with you.

May 30, 2019

Which type of boss do you have?

I’m seeing a divergence in the bosses that PR people report to. And this has significant ramifications for your PR future.

May 23, 2019

The media team vs. the content team

There’s a better strategy than divide and conquer. In the reality of today’s hypercompetitive content and media landscape, both teams need the other to succeed.

May 16, 2019

PR pros resting on their laurels

I love sharing in the excitement that comes with winning placements. But I’m concerned that too many media relations pros are still putting all their eggs into the pitching basket.

May 9, 2019

Why I got fired from career day

Have you ever been asked to participate in career day? I did it once, and then my kids stopped nominating me. You’re going up against people with careers that everyone already understands what they do. So how do you compete?

May 1, 2019

Just how accessible should sources be?

I got asked something this week that comes up fairly often: to give a source’s number or not? While there are pros and cons for each, here are my thoughts on the matter.

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