Category: Uncategorized

April 21, 2016

Landing USA Today & LA Times

What if you had a big pitch coming up and you wanted to get some expert feedback on it? Where would you turn?

April 14, 2016

My accountant is stressing me out

This experience is a good model for how we should ultimately deliver our unique value to the marketplace and how we should be compensated for it.

April 7, 2016

All journalists REALLY want is…

If you try to convince journalists that they have a duty or obligation to cover Topic X because they haven’t for a while, you’ll get nowhere. Here’s the type of information journalists are looking for.

March 31, 2016

Do you unknowingly write like this?

Many PR pros use a somewhat formal and less accessible communication style. Here’s the biggest reason – and how to fix it.

March 24, 2016

I’m not here to help you pitch better

If you want to improve media relations results, it takes more than knowing and applying practical tips and best practices. Here’s what will lead to a real transformation of your career and personal life.

March 17, 2016

More than newsworthiness

This game used to be relatively simple. But being newsworthy is often no longer enough. Journalists want you to bring something else to the table.

March 11, 2016

Is Michael Smart psychic?

Today I’d like to wow you with my ability to predict the future. It has to do with what I call the PR Power Pyramid.

March 9, 2016

Utter failure, Snoop Dog, and result-boosting tips for you

It was my big break – and then my site crashed.

February 25, 2016

“Leverage” THIS

Back in the old days, I thought a lot about “leveraging” my relationships with journalists to convince them to cover my story ideas. Here’s the view we should adopt instead.

February 4, 2016

The Super Bowl angle nobody’s pitching

I saw a tweet from a journalist this week that said, “Props to the three businesses that have NOT pitched me a Super Bowl angle this week.” Here’s a tactic to keep in mind when you’re brainstorming around the next big media event.