It’s great to give money to good causes. But it’s also great – maybe even more important – to give YOURSELF to good causes.
Can you confidently state your boss’s three most important metrics when it comes to PR and communications?
It’s not about ticking boxes. It’s about creating a roadmap for a narrative journey that lasts the whole year.
Generative AI is not about one tool. It’s about you as a PR pro learning a new way to replace tedious work with more time and energy for strategy and creativity.
Many of the most common objections to AI & PR are melting away. If you’ve been on the sidelines, be sure your perspective is current.
A fascinating but extreme example to illustrate this point: If your client repeatedly rejects your counsel, drop them and find someone who sees you as the expert you are.
You probably haven’t noticed this upcoming software product update that’s likely to change your career.
Discover a workaround that lets you pitch to journalists minutes after news breaks – even if your organization moves slowly.
The question isn’t IF AI will revolutionize PR work, but WHEN. Here’s proof.